CPC Gas Station
  • Effluent Lift Stations

CPC Gas Station

Taipei, Taiwan

A gas station owner in Taipei realized that he had a problem: as gasoline drips onto the ground around the filling stations, it can then be washed into the pump pits by rainfall, creating a hazardous environment of dangerous water around the building’s foundation.


There is only one pump on the market that can function in this type of environment: Zoeller Pump Co.’s X160 Series Effluent Pumps. Three of Zoeller’s hazardous duty, submersible effluent pumps were installed at a gas station in Taipei in order to collect and pump rainwater to the city’s sewer system. As the only hazardous duty pumps of this type on the market, pumps of this model are fully automatic with a copper float, meaning they require no control panel and keep maintenance and system costs to a minimum.


Model Description Units
DX161 Hazardous duty, automatic effluent pump 3

Not only did the Zoeller’s X160 Series Effluent Pumps provide the gas station owner with much-needed peace of mind, they underscore a commitment to safety and environmental consciousness in the realm of fuel management.

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