A water heater is crucial to a well-kept home. While it doesn’t require much attention, it needs routine work to keep it running efficiently.
Removing water from your water heater is critical to your maintenance plan, ensuring it continues running smoothly. You depend on your water heater for everything, like washing clothes, cooking dinner and taking showers. Flushing it out every year or so can clear out all the minerals and sediments collected at the bottom. It will also eliminate all the condensation when air passes through the evaporator coils during cooling.
Without removing these byproducts, your heater may work less efficiently and experience clogs and malfunctions. Plus, too much condensation can cause pilot outages and other problems that could leave your home without access to hot water or heat.
How Can You Remove Water From a Water Heater?
Draining your tank’s water is a straightforward maintenance task to keep your home’s water heater in good condition.
Flushing Your Tank
After shutting off the main water and power supply to the heater, connect a hose to the drain at the bottom of the tank and dispose of it at the nearest drain or outside the residence. You can also use a high-performance Scale Removal System® to clear out the lines on tankless systems. These tools connect using a discharge and supply line and a strainer to easily filter out debris and improve the reliability of your tank.
Eliminating Condensation
All water heaters are equipped with a condensate line, which provides a path for water to escape. This port typically leads to a nearby floor drain, allowing for easy disposal of liquid condensation collected in the drain pan located beneath the evaporator coils.
When no drains are nearby, a condensate pump is required. Condensate pumps have uses within various HVAC applications, pumping water against gravity and out of your home. Newer models generally come equipped with condensate pumps. If you have an older system, you may need to install one yourself.
Contact Zoeller Pump Company to Learn More
When you’re tasked with removing water from a water heater, Zoeller Pump Company has just what you need. Our Condensate Pumps and Scale Removal System® are high-performance tools to conveniently remove water and buildup from HVAC appliances.
Check out our online contractor locator to find a service provider with the tools you need.